Home Art Supplies Art supplies

Art supplies

This article will show you the watercolor art supplies I use, from brushes to pigments, each part being an indispensable component of my creative process. In the future, I will show you more details of these tools! 

escoda 筆皇水彩筆


Escoda travel brush

I like Escoda watercolor brushes for their excellent quality. Even their synthetic bristles provide a great painting experience. I recommend them to beginners, especially those with budget.

Pros:Easy to carry, hold more water
Official WebsiteAmazon


3K Nevskaya Palitra - WhiteNights watercolour

White Night watercolors have vibrant colors and are more affordable compared to other professional watercolor brands.

Pros:Colors are intense
Official WebsiteAmazon

whitenights watercolor 水彩顏料
hahnemuhle watercolor book 水彩本


Hahnemühle watercolor book

Although Hahnemühle sketchbooks are made from wood pulp, their absorbency is superior to other similar watercolor papers. If you want to maintain a good wash effect without worrying about the paper buckling, they are an excellent choice. Additionally, they offer 100% cotton watercolor sketchbooks that are convenient for travel.

Pros:Not easy buckle when wetting paper
Official WebsiteAmazon

Fountain Pen

LAMY SAFARI fountain pen

Lamy offers a variety of fountain pen series to choose from. I chose the lightweight SAFARI series, which features a flexible nib that doesn't scratch the paper.

Pros:Reasonable price, smoothing nib
Official WebsiteAmazon

lamy safari 鋼筆
Rohrer & Klingner 速寫墨水


Rohrer & Klingner sketch ink

R&K Sketch ink series offers waterproof ink in a range of colors. Its quick-drying properties prevent smudging, and once dry, the ink remains waterproof, making it ideal for use with watercolors.

Pros:waterproof, dried quickly
Official WebsiteAmazon

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chi & yayun watercolor illustration​

Keep your memories as a watercolor journey,
discovering new things with each adventure you take.

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